About the book
Entrepreneurship is considered one of the most ancient professions in human history. So, why then, is entrepreneurship so difficult to break into for minorities? What are the social and economical roadblocks and what can you do to tear them down and make a mark for yourself as a true corporate misfit?
As a managing partner of seven separate multi-million-dollar businesses operating in twenty-three States, I’ve discovered there’s no single formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur – but there are certain rules, especially for minorities, that must be abided by to avoid operational blunders. Any book can tell you it all comes down to planning and having the right mindset, but these gross oversimplifications are precisely why many fail to grasp the true keys to success.
Throughout these nine chapters you’ll learn all aspects of the minority entrepreneur’s journey, from starting a venture to ensuring its success. You’ll break down the balance between structure and flexibility necessary to grow and flourish as a minority entrepreneur. You’ll decode the complexities of the rules and uncover what obstacles stand before you – and how to rise above them, steadfast and unbred.

I decided to write this book because I am always meeting new people that often ask me how we were able to start our businesses.
Anyone can start and prosper in business today. There will always be obstacles and issues to overcome. The key to succeeding is to plan ahead and always be learning. The most successful Amongst us are the ones who have failed the most! This book is written for all the bright minds that are dreaming of owning a business like I did as a child.

Book author
16 fun facts about me
I'm a middle child with 2 sisters.
I was born in Guatemala and came to the US at the age of 2 with my older sister and parents.
I come from a religious Catholic family. Every Sunday as a child I would show up to Mass 2 hours early just to save 3 front aisle seats for my grandparents.
I grew up in a Neighborhood 7 best friends. We are all still close today 46 years Later.
I was often injured as a child. I was always an adrenaline junkie.. As an 8 year old I attempted to do a front flip off a fence on cement and shattered my right arm and spent 2 months in the Hospital.
My right arm was in a cast so long I had to learn to do everything left handed. I am ambidextrous today as a result. I can do everything equally with both arms.
I learned to drive at 12 years old. I would go visit my Grandparents and Aunt and sneak her keys to her car to drive my friends and I to the movies. We would take side streets to not get caught!
I am an avid scuba diver and still an adrenaline junkie.
I am a student Pilot working toward getting my private pilots license.
My son shares my passion for classic cars. We spend our free time working on our classic car
I am an avid hiker and enjoy hiking in remote areas.
I enjoy exploring old Gold and Silver Mines in our deserts
No matter how busy i am, I make time to have lunch with my mother a couple times a week
I am in business with my best friends
Both my children are working for our businesses.
I love to Travel and see new places every year.